026b – Introducing Youths to Turkey Hunting with Southern Boyz Outdoors

10 years ago

Introducing Youths to Turkey Hunting with Southern Boyz Outdoors

In part 2 of episode 26, Leon Stilley and Kinion Bankston with Southern Boyz Outdoors share some more tips on how to best introduce kids to the sport of turkey hunting and how we can keep kids interested in the sport of turkey hunting for years to come.

Listen in as Leon and Kinion share what they believe is the best style of turkey hunting to introduce a young child to and what style is best to keep kids interested for years to come. They also tell us how we can keep kids interested in hunting as they are growing up, how we can tell our kids about the dangers of the turkey hunting woods without scaring them so much that they won’t want to hunt. We’ll learn their thoughts on what gauge gun we should start kids with, and when we should think about introducing our kids to the big bad 12 gauge with magnum 3.5″ turkey loads.

Be sure to tune in next week as we’ll learn Kinion’s and Leon’s thoughts about letting a young hunter shoot a jake. We’ll also get to learn more about Southern Boyz Outdoors and how we can get in touch with Kinion and Leon.


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