096 – The Science Behind Setting Turkey Hunting Seasons and Bag Limits

9 years ago
science behind setting turkey hunting seasons and bag limits

In this episode, Mike Schiavone with the New York DEC discusses the science behind setting turkey hunting seasons and bag limits.

With turkey populations on the decline in many parts of the country, our state wildlife biologists and game and fish department officials have a difficult task of setting the length of our turkey hunting seasons and setting our bag limits as well.  The difficulty comes in when trying to manage the population of the animals and keeping hunters happy as well. 

Mike Schiavone is one of the people tasked with that difficult assignment in the state of New York, and he shares the factors that go into setting turkey hunting season length and bag limits.

Mike also shares the reasons he thinks turkey populations are on the decline in many parts of the state of NY, and he leaves us with some opportunities that we hunters can take advantage of to help our game and fish departments better do their jobs.

Listen in and enjoy episode 096 – The Science Behind Setting Turkey Hunting Seasons and Bag Limits.

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