121 – Part 2 of Advanced Trapping Sets for Wild Turkey Predators with Trent Masterson

8 years ago
advanced trapping sets for wild turkey predators

Part 2 of Advanced Trapping Sets for Wild Turkey Predators with Trent Masterson


In this week’s episode I continue the conversation with Trent Masterson about some advanced trapping sets for wild turkey predators – adult and poult wild turkey predators mostly.

Coyotes are extremely wary, and they are quick to catch on to trapping in their home area. When they catch on, they get more and more difficult to trap and remove from the area. Trent gives some tips on how we can catch more of those wary coyotes before they catch our nesting hens and vulnerable poults.

Trent also discusses how to catch the best hunters in the woods – bobcats. Their inquisitive nature makes them easier to trap than coyotes, but there are some techniques that we can use to increase our odds of success when seeking these turkey killers.

Foxes are also a predator that will destroy a nest of eggs or catch our poults and nesting hens, and we need to remove as many foxes as we can to help our turkey population too. Trent and I discuss the main differences in coyote trap sets and fox trap sets.

Lastly, we discuss how to dispatch the animals we have in our traps effectively and humanely.

Trent also gives us some information on the National Trapper’s Association and how we can get involved with that organization, even if we do not trap since the animal rights groups are coming after trappers as well as hunters. 

Listen to this episode!


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