074 – How Weather Affects Wild Turkeys with Preston Pittman

9 years ago
how weather affects wild turkeys


How Weather Affects Wild Turkeys with Preston Pittman

Preston Pittman with Pittman Game Calls and Long Leaf Camo discusses how weather affects wild turkeys in this week’s episode.

Not many of us turkey hunters always have the luxury of hunting only on “blue bird” days – those days where it is sunny and 65 degrees with no wind.  For those of us who take turkey hunting trips out of state each year or who live in states that have very short week long seasons, we have to hunt no matter what the weather is.

Wild turkeys will move to different terrain when different weather conditions occur. On days when the weather is bad, we can greatly increase our chances of success by knowing where the turkeys are.  Once we know where the turkeys are, all we have to do is figure out how to hunt them.

Of course, we can’t guarantee every single turkey will react the same way to certain weather conditions, but we can make predictions off of our past observations.

In this episode, Preston Pittman shares his knowledge of where we can find turkeys during periods of high wind, hot temperatures, snow, or rain.  Using this information during turkey season can help us to have more success when bad weather interferes with our turkey hunting.

Listen to this episode!


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